All our WETIT Products are designed to save you time and money from day one.
Our WETIT automatic teat sprayers have been proven with more than 18 years of extensive research, development and real-world experience.
We captured and studied slow-motion videos, conducted extensive on-farm testing and consulted with farmers to make sure we had developed the most accurate technology when it came to our WETIT teat sprayers.
Designed with ergonomics in mind, our teat sprayers have unique nozzle patterns that reduce waste and maximise effectiveness. Built to deliver accurate udder coverage while maintaining good cow flow, WETIT systems should leave drips on the teats - proof of a quality spray coverage that has effective pressure and the industry recommended volume.
We also design kits that can be fitted to older models to upgrade them with our latest developments, and we can customise any system with components to better suit your set-up.